Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Back to the basics of Handwriting! 5 ways to strengthen fine motor skills!

As children are growing their hands are getting muscles and we have to train them to know how to write, how to hold a pencil, pen, spoon, fork, marker, needle, straw, etc.  Teaching a child how to write starts way before they hold a pencil.  Often times, when a child comes into my classroom and is struggling to hold a pencil correctly I have to think back to the basics.  So this post takes us back to the basics of handwriting and strengthening our child's hands.

It all starts with the fine motor skills.  What is fine motor? Our fine motor skills are those small muscle movements that we make with our hands, fingers, toes and feet.  Most of them focus on our hands.  Making a fist with our fingers, touching each finger with your thumb, pinching, snapping your fingers together and most importantly holding a pencil which can also be called a pincher grasp.

It is hard to teach kids how to hold a pencil. Most kiddos like to hold their pencil in a fist.  It is their first natural instinct of how to hold. There are five muscle training techniques that I suggest to parents when we are trying to teach kids how to hold a pencil. All hands-on and kids love them!

The Tissue Trick, Lego Pinching, 
Tweezer Pick Up, 
Q-tip Write and Wipe, Pin Art 

The Tissue Trick: Kids can either love this technique or hate it.  It is all in how you approach it.  I always like to teach kids that it is a trick or game.  The concept of the game is to not drop the Tissue.  How to play: Give your child a pen, pencil, marker or anything to write with.  Show them how to hold it correctly by placing the pointer finger, middle finger, and thumb in the pincher grasp on the writing object.  With their ring finger and pinkie finger place a tissue under them holding it against their palm. Remember to make it a game and say, 
"Don't do it, don't drop the tissue."  
They can then write what ever they want.  Try coloring a page or writing on whiteboard.  

Lego Pinching: I don't know that I have ever met a child that doesn't like playing with Lego Blocks, most LOVE playing with them.  If you have ever played with Lego Blocks it's hard to not pick them up in a pinch.  The trick with this technique is to have your child pick them up with their middle finger and their thumb.  This strengthens  that middle finger so that it is easier to control a pencil.  This can also be done using the Tissue Trick as well.  

Mini TongsTweezer Pick Up: I know, I know giving your child tweezers can be nerve racking! I am the first to admit that they can be dangerous.  You can find kid friendly ones at Lakeshore, Discount School Supply or any other teacher supply store. The ones at Lakeshore come in a fine motor skills game.  But if you are up for the challenge you can give your child normal old tweezers.  The name of the game says it all.  The goal is to have your child pick up as many objects as they can with the tweezers. Find small objects around your home.  One thing that I like to use is food such as; raisins, M&M's, Skittles, peas(careful they can pop), popcorn, etc.  You can also use craft supplies such as; pom poms, buttons, dry beans, beads, etc.  Put these objects on a plate or in a bowl and have an empty bowl next to it.  I like to put everything on a cookie sheet so that objects do not roll away.   Show your child how to pick up an object and place it in the empty bowl.  Do a few for your child and then help guide your child's hand until they are comfortable doing it themselves.   

ADD-ON: When your child gets good at moving the objects to an empty bowl try adding another teaching aspect. Get a muffin tin and have your child sort each different object into a separate muffin cup.  You can also get a bag of rainbow pom pom balls and have your child sort them by colors.  

Q-Tip Write and Wipe: All you need is a Q-tip, water, and a towel!  Clean off an area of a table or a desk.  It is going to get wet so make sure that it can.  You can also use a cookie sheet (Buy one at the dollar store just for kid art and school, it is worth the dollar investment.)  Use the pinching grasp again have your child dip the Q-tip in a small cup of water and then write and draw on the table/cookie sheet.  Dry it off and start again. 
ADD-ON:  Print off a few letter writing or number writing pages on colored paper and slide them in a sheet protector.  Your child can then write on the sheet protector with the Q-tip and water with out ruining the paper.  They can also use a dry erase marker and practice their letters and numbers. 

Pin Art: Yes! Just like you did in elementary school.  You need a push pin and a piece of construction paper.  Either have your child draw a picture with a pencil on the paper or print a coloring page on the picture.  Teach your child to hold the pin in their thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger.  Then have your child lay down on a rug or carpet with the paper in front of them.  Start poking holes on the drawn lines. When you are all finished hold it up to a window and enjoy the picture lit up! 

I hope you enjoy all these techniques!
Let me know what works for you and your child or class! Don't forget to take pictures and label them #YoungHandsLove2Learn. I would love to see what you are up to!

Feel Free to leave a comment, question, or outburst of emotion! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Expected Behavior "at home, at school at play!"

   Okay, my son may not have been old enough here to be taught rules and I am not sure I deserved this, but recently I have been working on correcting Eli's behavior and teaching him appropriate ways to act. We are in the tantrum phase so more often then not he ends up on the floor screaming.  But I believe that you can not teach positive behavior through positive reinforcement too early.  
  I think too often these days we, as parents, are forgetting that correct behaviors have to be taught and expected. As a teacher, I have often seen parents that have taught but not established positive behaviors in their young children. It takes time and your child needs to know what to expect when they do something wrong. As adults we know that if we break a law there is a consequence. If we run a red light we may get a ticket or worse, in an accident. Children need to know that life has consequences for both good and bad behavior.
I believe that it is not only our child's teachers job at school to teach our child correct behavior but more importantly it's ours. We need to be hands on and willing to help our child establish positive habits.
  It is my hope that this can help you establish a strong foundation for your children so that those positive habits will come out even when you are not present.
  I am so excited to share with you an awesome training I had on expected behaviors from children and how we can teach them the procedures and rules to create good lifetime habits.

   I felt that this training was not only beneficial for a classroom but also in a home setting.

We had two presenters, the first one was Shawn Johnson, the behavior specialist for Murray School District and the second one was Tim Frost a presenter for educators and principals on the "Big 8!" strategies to help manage students for maximum engagement by Brinkman, Forlini, and Williams.  It was both amazing and engaging.

Shawn Johnson's presentation was a great reminder of how to establish expectations and rules in the classroom and at at home.  Students should know the rules and expectations.  It is important that there are 3-5 rules that are explicitly taught, posted where everyone can see and then re-taught constantly through out the year.
There are 5 steps to teaching the expected rules:
1) Define the expectation/rule. 
2)Provide rationale for the expectation/rule.
3)Teach critical discrimination of exception/rule. What it looks like and sounds like.
      (model examples and non-examples) 
4)Practice the behavior as many times as needed
5)Discuss what will happen when expectations/rules are followed and what will happen if behavioral errors occur. 

  After rules are established it is important to "Plan, Plan, Over-Plan" lessons, outcomes of lessons, and expected behaviors.  It is very important to have "pre-planned" consequences for both positive and negative behaviors. The consequences for negative behaviors have to be non-negotiable.  Consequences should never be threatened. "Behavior does or does not deserve a consequence." 

  Even though you have planned for negative behaviors the positive behaviors are the most important to reinforce.   It is important to remember the "4:1 rule".  The rules says "teachers should have at least four positive interactions with students or give students at least four positive comments for every negative or corrective interaction or comment." (Smith & Sprague, 2006)  This can be true not only at school but at home.  It is so important for us as parents to find the positive in what our children do.  Even when our child is spilling the beans all over the floor it is important to praise them for trying to pour them into the other bowl.  4 compliments to 1 negative comment! 

 One of my favorite pieces that Shawn shared was how to get students to follow through on a task through "Precision Requests/ Commands."  A precision command starts with a statement using the word "please" such as "Eli, will you please pick up your toys?" or in a classroom "Eli, will you please write your name on your paper?" then a brief wait period of 5-10 seconds. It is important during the wait time to leave the child alone and count in your head and not aloud. If the child does not follow through then it is followed by a second command using the word "need" such as "Eli, you need to pick up your toys." followed by another a wait time of 5-10 seconds.  If the child does not comply you say, "That is not following directions".  You then help them follow through and then give them a consequence for not following through.  I am excited to try this with Eli! 

Image result for parenthood
After a mother or teacher has given a consequence it is important to follow through.  Recently, I have been watching the TV show Parenthood.  On the show one of the families has a son named Max with Aspergers.  In a recent episode, Max is playing a video game and Christina, his mother, asks him multiple times to stop and turn off the game. He continues to play.  Christina, finally at her wits end, turns off the TV losing Max's game. Max freaks out and calls his mother a bad name. Christina is irate and tells Max that his consequence for calling her that name is that he will not be allowed to go on the family vacation.  She follows through and keeps him home.  He continues to be angry and states, "You never follow through with consequences, why are you following through now!" It is so important that we follow through with our children or they will not believe us and their negative behavior will continue. 

Our second speaker Tim Frost presented on "The Big 8! Maximizing Student Engagement" published in Class Acts" Every Teacher's Guide to Activate Learning by Brinkman, Forlini, and Williams. The big 8 are as follows

  1. Expectations-
    • It is important to make sure students understand our rules and procedures so that they become habits. Procedures are functional things that have to be done for the class to run smoothly.  Rules are those items that are non-negotiable that help keep safety and control. Habits are those internal behaviors that a student or child will do even when you are not there. 
  2. Time Limits-
    • Define not only the ending time limit but the start times as well such as "you have 20 min. to complete this activity. You need to start in 5 seconds. 5, 4 ,3, 2, 1." 
  3. Cueing-
    • Find those moments that your child or a student in your classroom is following expectations. Reinforce those expectations with positive statements. 
  4. Attention Prompt-
    • "Use verbal prompt and physical stance to get students' attention for upcoming instruction or direction." 
  5. Proximity-
    • Move, move, move! Walk around the room and make eye-contact with students.
  6. Signals-
    • "Give students ways to signal that they are ready, finished, or need help." One of my favorite symbols for a finished student is having the students put their pencil in the air. 
  7. Voice-
    • Using many different ranges of voice levels can gain a students attention. Try it! If you can't get your child's or class's attention try talking in a whisper voice. I promise they will immediately turn to look at you. 
  8. Tasking- 
    • "Shape questions and devise activities to engage students directly in responding."
I have probably been through dozens of behavior based training's. I feel like you can never reinforce positive behavior enough.  I hope that this has provided you with a few ideas to help you at home as well as in the classroom. 

Below is a list of great resources if you would like more information or help! 

Class Acts